samedi 17 octobre 2009

Forget and Forgive

It is about time.
I wonder how many days and how much energy we spend on thoughts that won’t bring us absolutely anything good.
The heaviness of the mea-culpa that was not supposed to happen brings an eternal weight to our shoulders which we have no need to carry.
Life can be heavy, if we chose to carry the wrong backpack along the way.
All the hurt, all the bad memories and hard feelings, mistakes and wrong decisions cannot and should not be holding us back from being happy.
A chance to do it again is always there every morning for those who can afford the challenge.
Energy seems to run away from us when we seem to see more of our faults than our rights. We cannot be weak when life comes. Life is here. Life is present. Life won’t run away. Have a seat. Look life in the eyes and face it straight.
Start by looking at you in the mirror and really having the answer for the simplest questions.
What do I do from now?
What would I do from now?
What would I advise someone to do from now?
How do I see myself?
Just drop the others’ opinions.
Just drop the others’ judgments.
It hurts, I know, to forget what hurt so bad.
We have no option but to forgive.
Forgive everybody, forgive yourself.
Above all, do not forget what does hurt.
If you do, you may get hurt again.
Yes, it is possible to forgive, even if we don’t forget.

samedi 29 août 2009

The Real You

Impossible not to wonder how we can be blind sometimes....
First of all, let's stop the bullshit about happiness and accept life is a bitch..As I say, if life is a bitch,let's slut it up a little bit and have fun :)
Well, seriously, I think we spend so much energy searching for something that is not actually there to be searched.
The meaning of life, the purpose, the reason why...c'mon, we go crazy about it and miss up and mess up the whole thing.
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans, as Lennon would say.
So if that's true, why wonder if you look nice, if that person is gonna call, if you please anyone, whatever...What matters is to look at the mirror in the morning and have the answer to the question: who the fuck are you?
Well,for some people is so disturbing to look at themselves in the mirror, they can't just do it.
Yep, it sound silly but try to do it.
It can be quite disturbing. Stare at you, try to see that child funny and happy.
Try to see what is behind that mask you wear everyday to many different people.
Don't miss the chance to reveal what is behind the fogged mirror....

dimanche 10 mai 2009

Oui,je la comprends c'est quoi etre un Papa

Une chance que j't'ai
Je t'ai, tu m'as
Une chance qu'on s'a

Quand tu m'appelles " mon p'tit loup "
Avec ta petite voix
Tu panses mes bleus
Tu tues tous mes papillons noirs

Tu fais des boules de lumières
Avec tes p'tits doigts
Tu fous la trouille aux hiboux

Une chance que j't'ai
Je t'ai, tu m'as
Une chance qu'on s'a

J'suis pas très grand
Pas très fort
Mais que personne vienne
Te faire d'la peine
Sans d'abord me passer sur le corps

Fie-toi sur moi
Mon bon chat
T'auras jamais peur
Tant que j'vivrai
Meme si je meurs

Une chance que j't'ai
Je t'ai, tu m'as
Une chance qu'on s'a

Le paradis c'est ici
Y a pas d'autres vies
J'te donne la mienne
Parce que je t'aime à l'infini

Une chance que j't'ai
Je t'ai, tu m'as
Une chance qu'on s'a

J'ferais tous les planétariums
Je t'ai tu m'as
Chercher dans toutes les galaxies
Une chance qu'on s'a

Une chance qu'on s'aime

Je t'aime Papa, tu nous manques...
Un jour on va jouer encore ensemble :)

jeudi 12 mars 2009


Looking at ordinary people passing by, it is difficult not to wonder: How many chances, how many crossroads, how many choices....
In the corner of a wagon, with his iPod, you can see that guy with that empty look in his face or the lady reading a book smiling now and then.
Impossible not to wonder how many crossroads we have in life.
Some say life is about choices.
But what if we've made the wrong ones?
Is there really a second chance to take it back to the right track?
Some people say you can as long as you don't pass the point of no return.
I guess all the crossroads are there to make us move ahead, but if that's true, why we tend to look back while hesitating in taking steps forward?
Insisting in any direction can bring you back to the starting point. Try to turn right 3 times....You will end up there,exactly where you started, sooner or later.
Why trying to find the right track can be so trick to bring you to a place you don't want to be?
I seriously think we make our own way, sometimes we create the crossroads, because if we don't, life would be a straight line down to some place that has nothing to offer.
Crossroads make life more exciting, more risky, but every crossroad, when not well understood can easily drive us far away from where we belong.Drop your bags, stop the journey and grab a map. Trust your choices. Open your heart. It will certainly show you the way out.

samedi 21 février 2009

Art in Life

Yesterday at the metro station in downtown Montreal I was just looking around and for the first time noting the beauty of what was around me, routinely unnoticed...
How many things we overlook in life, how many things we rush for no reason?
I have to rush to take the metro, I rush to wake up, I rush to take my shower, I rush to every single numb aspect of my routine....
The same routine which blinds us for the art in all corners of our lives.
Today I chose to take my time, to see this art and admire the life I have in all its beauty.

lundi 9 février 2009

Lemme get that!

'I got a house, but I need new furniture,
Why spend mine when I could spend yours?'

dimanche 8 février 2009



Lucky to be your son
Lucky to be your father
Lucky to be your lover
Lucky to be your dream
Lucky to be your troubles
Lucky to be your safe harbor

Lucky to see your eyes
Lucky to see the smiles I love
Lucky to see my hands can reach you
Lucky to see when you cannot be trusted

Lucky that you dreamed of me
Lucky that you wish me well
Lucky that you are not around anymore

Lucky for being so crazy
Lucky for being so instable
Lucky for being so lost
At the right place
Lucky for being so human

Quand la passion est partie

Later that night I couldn’t help but thinking: How sad it is when the passion is gone.
Passion should be around in all aspects of our lives.
We can be passionate professionals, passionate husbands, passionate brothers, but in all we do if passion is not there, things can look overwhelming sometimes.

In a relationship, in your work, in your house, we have to cherish for all passion to survive. We have to nurture passion and our ability to wake up and shout to the world how passionate you are.

But then, what about those mornings when passion is simply not there anymore?

How to get passion to stay and stick around forever?

Well, passion is mostly a big cake where our beliefs are the cherry on top of it.
A cake can blow up in your face with no cherry on top at any moment, mainly when we feel insecure about our ability to find cherries.

Actually, the cherries are always there, we just can’t see them from time to time.

I recall relationships and jobs where I saw passion dying slowly.
It is a painful process but we pretend it is not happening, for doing this the pain would seem to be less than it actually is.

In the end, what triggers our passion is our hope to achieve something and our belief that that achievement is at our reach.

If you stop believing, passion dies.
I confess it is hard to believe sometimes in things, but maybe passion is there just as a cloud to prevent us from seeing the real picture.

Well, if that’s it, I prefer living a blurry passionate life than an HD one.
Through away your blue-rays of reality and stock up your life with a pile of good VHS dreams.

If we stop taping it, would we care to recall for our lost passions?

jeudi 1 janvier 2009

Faire du velo

Last night, just before New Year's first hours, I couldn't help but thinking about how we ride life, we don't live it, we just ride it.
Months ago I bought a new bike and as I am no expert on bikes, I bought the one that could just allow me to have a pleasant ride once in a while.
I heard the sales man telling me about how good the bike was, its parts, and etc. All I could see was the ride.No attention for how this ride could be improved or how it could amaze me by the bike's technical qualities.
We do the same in life. The ride is all that matters.
It doesn't matter how complicated we find life, how many roadblocks we choose to go thru, how many bumps in the road, we just look ahead, with a clingy anxiety to enjoy the ride ahead.


Each new morning brings with it a new set of lies – little white lies, told not to hurt but to make life more pleasant. They tell these lies to protect themselves and their reputation. Of course, every now and then, someone finally decides to tell the truth. The worst lies are the ones we tell ourselves before we go to sleep. We whisper them in the dark telling ourselves we’re happy, or that we can change, or that other people will change their mind. We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins. Yes, each night before we fall asleep we lie to ourselves in a desperate, desperate hope that come morning, it will all come true.